Sometimes I Fail

10:45 PM

Linking up with Women Connect '12

Sometimes I fail...

It's so true! Sometimes I downright fail. At blogging, at work, and some days as a person I think lol! This isn't a "woe is me" kind of post, it's a true and laughable post. This past week I haven't blogged once. Not really because I was too busy or anything, I just didn't. Sometimes this past week I was in a really bad mood, I mean foul, and my poor husband usually gets the brunt of this. Did I have a reason for being in a foul mood? Simply, no I didn't. To top it all off this past week of work, I feel like I left and could have done so much more...even though we're really busy. I looked back and really enjoyed Thanksgiving only to realize I didn't take one stinkin' picture to remember our son's first Thanksgiving mom fail right there folks! My only reasoning for all of this is that sometimes I just fail...and it's OK!

It happens to all of us from time to time, or so I like to think at least! I figure the world definitely didn't stop turning by me not blogging for a week, I still have a job, my husband still loves me, and I hope that I will remember the little special moments from Thanksgiving, and that Josh will forgive us for not documenting it.

Failing and not wanting to fail is something that I've struggled with my whole life...maybe it's oldest child syndrome or something. I would get really down on myself for not succeeding or being "the best" at something. I've struggled with weight (still struggle) and will lose weight, gain it back, and get horribly down on myself, and start up a diet again rather than just changing my lifestyle to keep myself healthy and would beat myself up about it.

This is all changing in my life and changing for the better! It's a new journey that was sparked by becoming a mother. I want to be the best example for our son as possible, I'll never be perfect, and that's OK too. I just want to set the example for him that momma doesn't expect perfection, she just wants you to do your best, and be happy, and how could I be that example for him when I'm not walking that walk myself? So, here's to moving forward! We're not starting another diet, we're changing our lifestyle. We'll eat better, and be more active as a family. If weight loss comes with it, then bonus! My goal is to grow my blog and post at least five times a week. If I don't gain any more followers and I only post once a week, but enjoy it, then I'm OK! I'll continue to try my best at work to be the kind of nurse I want to be, and recognize that It's a a process, I'm always learning, and no one can do it all!

So, yes, sometimes I fail!

With Love,
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  1. Lord knows I fail! Being a wife and mom is tough! I feel like there is always something more we could be doing right?! Thanks for sharing your story!!

  2. So glad to know someone else feels the same way I do, being a mommy is a lot harder than I ever thought it would be. I feel I fail A LOT! Look forward to getting to know you. You have a handsome lil man:)

  3. I found you through the Mrs. to Mama link up. I haven't done my post yet, but I came across yours and I really connect with your candid honestly about feeling like you fail sometimes... do I EVER know that feeling! :)

  4. Oh mama, I can relate! I often feel like I'm failing. My hubby reminds me I'm not and my munchkin's smiles provide daily affirmation:)

    I came by from the WomenConnect 12 and I'm looking forward to reading more!


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