The Days Are Flying By!

8:36 PM

Maybe it is just because I have so much to do this week, but the days really are flying by. Here we are just a few short days before Christmas and I am rushing to get everything done!

So much to do and so little time is what I feel like, but at the same time I'm not really stressed (which is a nice change!). I'm not sure if that I'm OK with things not getting done, or if I'm just too tired to really have it sink in that I might not get everything done..oh well! By this Friday I will have put in a 97 hour pay period (that's in two weeks), and boy am I feeling it! I think what is really getting me is having no set schedule at all. I love my job, and I love being a nurse, but it is so hard to work 7p-a7, and then turn around eight hours later and come back to work 3p-11p, then to come BACK to work the next day1p-11p. Such is the life of a new RN, you take what you can get, and I'm grateful for the hours I do get! Today was my one day off then back at it until Saturday morning at 7am...then I am free for a few days! In which we will head back to Ohio to visit some of the family from back there, which is going to be SO nice.

After putting in a few good hours shopping today, I think I have almost all of the shopping done, just a few small things left here and there. Tonight will be spent wrapping the gifts and making some homemade candy. Salted caramels, turtles, and buckeyes...oh my! 

So, in conclusion...I'm sorry for slacking big-time this last week...but it was a little hectic. I'll get better, I promise!

I hope you all are busy little elves and have all of your Christmas goodies ready!

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  1. oh wow, i hear you girl. i have been insanely busy and there just isn't enough time in the day. it's going to be amazing come this weekend to just be able to relax and just enjoy quality time with family.


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